This month, we ramped up our communication efforts to inform specific stakeholders of our progress and we diligently worked to make our twenty-four change targets actionable and impactful.

Admissions Sphere

The Admissions Sphere has formed a plan for the 2023 application cycle, and is currently organizing materials and information in order to educate and train existing and new Admissions Committee members. It is time to begin the onboarding process of both new faculty and student members to the Admissions Committee. Sphere members are almost done refining the committee demographics survey that will be administered in July. 

Clinical Sphere

Health Equity journal clubs continue monthly in Pediatrics and are inter-professional. Draft written policies/procedures for the journal club were approved by the stakeholders in Pediatrics. New members and leaders will be recruited over the summer of 2022.

Curricular Affairs Sphere

The Curricular Affairs Sphere will share a new update in upcoming months.

Student Affairs Sphere

The Student Affairs Sphere will share a new update in upcoming months.

Student Resources Sphere

The Student Resources Sphere has made steady progress toward achieving its change targets. Nearly all Med Ed staff will have participated in an unconscious bias workshop facilitated by a certified ODI-Med Ed trainer. Participation in this workshop will enable staff to apply strategies for practicing conscious awareness, and identify and mitigate the effects of bias.  Additionally, the Student Resources Sphere has begun to compile learning and professional development resources. In doing so, the sphere will serve as a conduit in connecting staff to resources that cultivate an environment of anti-racism across the Department.

Student Sphere

The student sphere has begun recruiting students and faculty members to plan for the Person-Role-System orientation series for the class of 2026. Sphere members are researching best practices for engaging students in transformational change and enhancing our communications to increase visibility within the student body.

Medical School-Wide

The medical-school wide sphere has developed a schedule for the Unity in Action town halls. The first Unity in Action town hall of the year is scheduled for May 26, led by representatives from both the graduate and medical schools. Additionally, the summer series for Chats for Change has been finalized, with facilitators from various areas of the medical school and hospital leadership who are leading the dialogue. The medical-school wide sphere has decided to pivot from researching silo-busting techniques to researching how faculty members can incorporate trauma informed techniques into medical education. 

For more information about the on-going focused work within the spheres, check out the Change Targets tracker and our latest release of the RBI April 2021 Action Update.