The Guiding Coalition started this year by implementing the change towards our targets. Still unclear about the members and role of the guiding coalition? (Check it out.)

In January, we achieved wins from every sphere as outlined below.


RBI Sphere Wins

Admissions: Continued to build awareness among admission committee members, focused on integrating new committee meeting processes and ways to address bias in Flex Med admissions, developed an online form to capture bias during every phase of the admissions process with the intent to learn and generate information for training development.  

Clinical: Aligned change target with existing projects and initiative, eliciting feedback from students, narrowed scope of change target, and expanded membership of the guiding coalition clinical sphere to include social workers and residents.   

Curricular Affairs: Developed a survey to assess needs and strengths of anti-racist knowledge, skills and personal awareness.

Students: Convened with student groups and planned for feedback loop mechanism and tracking of change target objectives.

Student Affairs: Continue to build awareness and a community of practice among Faculty Advisors, revisited oath and mission, and began to review various advising models.  

Student Resources: Conducted (great response rate) a survey to identify resource gaps, analyzed survey data and created a student experience cross-functional team.  


For more information and to track our progress, frequently visit our Change Targets page. We will share our progress every month.