Institute Fellows Application

As part of our dedication to equity and justice, and the recognition of those who distinguish themselves as leaders in the space, the Institute for Equity and Justice in Health Sciences Education is launching its first Institute Fellows cohort. 

Faculty and staff will be appointed as Fellows of the Institute for evidence of their longitudinal (at least three years) work in the areas below, and for building the Institute’s capacity to engage in equity and justice in health sciences education. 

Curricular Development & Teaching – Evidence that an individual is engaging in curricular development and teaching that enhances equity and justice. Examples include developing/delivering courses, lectures or workshops focused on dismantling racism and bias in the health professions learning environment; designing and implementing inclusive learning practices; integrating current research on equity and social justice in health sciences education. The quality of this work can be demonstrated by sharing evaluations and/or dissemination of curricula/teaching  


Scholarship & Dissemination – Research, presentations, publications, grantsmanship related to equity and justice in health sciences education; developing new knowledge or building on existing knowledge  


Mentorship & Support – Evidence of providing support and mentorship for students, staff, and faculty engaged in equity and justice in health sciences education; incorporating anti-racism principles into mentoring relationships; efforts to recruit and retain students, staff, or faculty with a focus on equity and justice; fostering deep and sustained relationships with mentees 


Organizational and Strategy Development – Developing and implementing systems change work; contributing to cultural transformation to advance equity and justice in health sciences education 


Community Building, Consultation & Engagement – Serving as a resource for consultation and best practices in equity and justice in health sciences education within a team, department, institution, region, or nationally; fostering deep and sustained relationships within the educational community; creating spaces for joy, enthusiasm, rest, and healing.

Our Values

Applicants for the Institute Fellows distinction must demonstrate alignment with the values of our Institute:

  • Mutual Liberation: Racism and bias affect everyone. Mutual liberation requires empathy, compassion, and love.  
  • Transformation: We believe in change that is an emerging lifelong journey of learning and unlearning. It requires patience, courage, trust, transparency, and vulnerability, and values the importance of making mistakes and course correcting.    
  • Love of Humanity: Our work is grounded in relationship-building and requires inclusive empowerment. 
  • Mutual Accountability: We value deep and sustained relationships formed from taking responsibility for our actions and words. 
  • Rigor, Scholarship, and Excellence: We pride ourselves in advancing the work and legacy of those who came before us and sacrificed on our behalf. 

Application Requirements & Process 

Application Requirements 

  • Letter of support; 
  • Values Statement: describe how your work is aligned with the Institute’s values (250 words); 


Application Requirements 

The application closes October 1, 2024 at 11:59PM. Applications will be reviewed, and decisions will be shared in November 2024. Selected Fellows will be required to maintain their membership by:                        
  • Maintain the scope and quality of one’s work in achieving/sustaining equity and justice in health sciences education 

  • And at least two of the following 

  • Attend at least four Chats for Change (C4C) sessions annually (learn more about Chats for Change here

  • Co-facilitate at least one C4C annually 

  • Join a Guiding Coalition Sphere and participate actively (learn more about the Guiding Coalition here

  • Co-facilitate and/or help develop Learning Lab sessions (learn more about Learning Labs here

  • Serve on a committee to review future applications for Institute Fellows