CQI & Accreditation Blog
In the Spotlight: Rachel Pinotti
The LCME Self-Study Subcommittees are a critical component of our School’s accreditation initiative. Participation on a subcommittee requires a large time commitment and a willingness to learn about and assess every facet of the School. We are so proud of...
Introducing the LCME Self-Study Subcommittees
The LCME self-study process, like all comprehensive, constructive reviews, is intended to recognize our accomplishments and strengths, better define our weaknesses, help us plan for the future, and nurture our ability to continuously improve what we do as...
Gauging Where We Are: Accreditation Process
The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS) has embarked on a reaccreditation process that will span at least two years. Obtaining Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) accreditation ensures that medical education programs are in...
The LCME Kick-Off
The LCME Accreditation Kick-Off Meeting was held on June 26 marking the official start of the LCME Self-Study Process. The meeting was attended by over 100 faculty, residents, staff, and students from across the Mount Sinai Health System. David...