Accreditation - The Process

Discover the accreditation guidelines for medical schools nationwide.

Functions and Structure of a Medical School

The Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) outlines the 12 standards for medical schools to receive accreditation. Learn more.

Data Collection Instrument for Full Accreditation Surveys

Instructions and questions medical schools must implement to complete the annual self-study report. Learn more.

Guide to the Institutional Self-Study

A guide that helps medical schools prepare for the annual self-study report. Learn more.

Medical Education Planning Action Committee

The checks and balances of making quality improvements to our accreditation process. Learn more.

Rules of Procedure

An explanation of LCME’s function, structure and policies. Learn more.

Rules of Procedure

An explanation of LCME’s function, structure and policies. Learn more.

The LCME Timeline

Gauge our journey to the LCME Site Visit. Learn more.

The Self-Study Structure

Discover our self-study structure and familiarize yourself with the subcommittee teams. Learn more.

LCME Videos

LCME Accreditation Self-Study Kick-Off

Watch: Set the stage by identifying LCME’s role, the self-study process and structure, and the institutional timeline before the Site Visit.